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Typically the approach to treating Frozen Shoulder is to try to strengthen and stretch the shoulder followed by icing procedures. In some cases this might help; however, sadly in many cases this further aggravates the shoulder and prolongs healing time. Although this approach can have its place in rehabilitation, it comes second to examination of the rotator cuff muscles and surrounding musculature for potential trigger points. Once the trigger points have been removed and the muscles have healed, then a slow gentle approach to strengthening the shoulder may take place. That being said, once the involved muscles have healed from trigger points, range of motion and strength generally return on their own.

Trigger Points in muscles can often be what is causing some common diagnoses such as arthritis, bursitis, rotator cuff tears, bicep tendinitis, and adhesive capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder). Joint pain is many times causes by imbalances in the shoulder muscles and surrounding muscles of the shoulder girdle. There are many muscles that work together to allow your shoulder joint to move in multiple directions smoothly. When there are trigger points involved it interrupts the natural flow of the shoulder creating clicking, popping, grinding and most importantly PAIN!

There is much confusion as to why frozen shoulder seemingly happens out of the blue and it remains much of a mystery to doctors. Frozen Shoulder is common in Diabetics Type I and Type II and is common in women between the ages of 40-60. Although it is not gender specific it has been linked to women more often than men. There are many factors that seem to play a role. Nutritional deficiencies; overuse injury as in overhead sports, i.e. tennis, volleyball; strenuous exercise coupled with not enough recovery time; improper exercise and stretching techniques to name a few. For treatment for Frozen Shoulder it is imperative that the proper Trigger Point Protocol be followed to ensure the quickest healing and successful treatment.

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